Friday, June 2, 2023

Welcome Summer! (Farewell Message)

“People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives.” 

(Proverbs 16:2, NLT)


Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


Are you now enjoying the season of all greens with those beautiful yellow flowers in your backyard? Quite amazing to watch all those changing pictures each season. It was like yesterday when the white snow covered the land and the green stuff came out of the hard soil and painted the earth over the white snow. Now that new green stuff on the ground has spread throughout all the trees up high and dance with the early summer winds! I was watching them through the small kitchen window in the morning when I was preparing my breakfast. What a beauty of God’s creation and the gift of this season! 


That small kitchen window is my favorite window in the entire house and I love sitting in front of it! But I just wonder what if there is no window? Maybe it's hard to see outside? No wonder why some smart guys created something to see the world outside through a little computer screen wherever they are and called it “Windows”. 


How about us, ourselves? Interestingly, someone also created a special window to see who we are in relationship with and named it “Johari Window”. Of course, they named it after one part of their names, Joseph and Harrington, like we named the United Methodist Church from the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church. 


Anyway, according to Johari Window, it has four quadrants called, open, blind, hidden and unknown areas. Depending on the size of those areas in the window, our relationship changes! So there is a part about me that everybody knows including me, like “Pastor K is a preacher” for example - open area. However, there is a part about me that everybody knows about me except me unless they tell me, like “Pastor K is humble and meek” - blind area. I wish it was so true though. Then, there is a part about me that everybody doesn't know about except me, like “Pastor K was coming from heaven” - hidden area. Of course, there is a part of me that no one knows including me - unknown area which means the area of potentiality. So when the open area of that window becomes bigger, the other three areas become smaller. But our relationship becomes stronger & deeper. It makes sense, isn’t it? However, it does require lots of sharing in trust, doesn’t it? 


How about our relationship with God? As I read the Bible, I found that it is absolutely true. Very easy example is Peter who said, “Truly I love you, Jesus!” However, after he had denied three times when Jesus was crucified on the cross, he had realized that he did not. So his answer to the resurrected Jesus later on was “Lord, you know that.” Once Peter did not know that he did not love Jesus with a full heart, but now Peter knew what kind of love he had for Jesus! It is quite a self-realization! But what a transformation! Then God used him to transform the world for the last two thousand years in His will so far.


How about you all now? Do you know who you really are? Some of you might believe that you are a peacemaker, but might be not; some of you might believe that you know Christ well, but might not; some of you might believe that you are faithful enough, but might be not; some of you might believe that you are honest, but might be not; some of you might believe that you are humble, but might be not; some of you believe that you love your church, but might be not in God’s eyes; and some of you believe that you are not worthy but you are; and some of you believe that you are too weak to do anything for God, but you are.


“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born 

I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5, NLT)


Brothers and sisters in Christ, do you really know who you are? But where are your hidden areas, blind areas and unknown areas? Journey with Christ in his body - the Church - truly opens our eyes to see those unknown areas, hidden areas and blinded areas to make our relationship with God and each other much closer and stronger like Peter. And we know he was not the only one. Who knows if you find God’s call for you someday totally different from where you are now as you journey with Christ?


It has been a wonderful five years of Journey with you and Christ to see those hidden, blinded and unknown areas about me so that I can grow in the relationship with our living God each and every day and with you! Truly, I have been blessed by you all! 


Now, it is too sad to say that I am no longer your pastor after the first day of July which means I cannot come back and do any pastoral function in Markesan and Princeton Community like weddings and funerals; however, I am glad that you will have a new pastor who can continue to take this role for you from August. So let us continue to walk the walk as we love, forgive and serve together in the name of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ, with his heart wherever we are! We love you all!


May the Spirit of God continue to guide you all to grow into the Kingdom of God eternal on earth as in Heaven as we wait for that...


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kyochul

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