Saturday, January 26, 2019

My House Shall Be Called the House of Prayer!

How desperately are we praying? 
With a contrite heart or with a joyful heart?

And what do we pray for when we pray?
For our salvation or for more blessings?

Christian churches in Korea are known as the people of prayer because they love to gather and pray always, even every early in the morning before they go to work. Their prayers wake the dawn not just because they pray loudly but desperately. Someone might wonder why. 

Quite some years ago, as they let their neighboring county, who had been equipped with the modernized western warship, strip their land for thirty six years and then let the another war destroy their land totally, the war between the capitalism and communism after World War II.

By God’s help, they were able to keep the half of the land, a little smaller size than the State of Wisconsin, for the freedom of worship. However, the cost was not cheap because n
umerous people had to give their lives from near and far to save them. And the remnants had been starved to death for more than 10 years after the war was ended. Another words, there were not much left. But it was not all because their land was divided into two, the north and the south by the ideology. 

Where was their refuge and where was their help? Only God, those believers and many people there realized. I remember how hard we prayed gathering every in the morning bringing contrite heart in desperation for our salvation and blessings through 1960s and 1970s. Now their prayers for more than a half century have been answered and it has brought them wealth and health; however, they still gather together every early in the morning and pray desperately to seek God’s presence and salvation. 

They have learned it from their experience... God is truly alive!

Some years ago, one of my friends asked me to lead one session for their prayer retreat sharing Korean spirituality with them. So I warned him before I accepted it, "Hey, brother, it will not be just sharing what it is but we will do what they are still doing across the Pacific Ocean every in the morning"... meaning, "we will pray together as Koreans do every morning for that session".

So at the end of my session, I invited those attenders to pray desperately with a contrite heart. But my friend who invited me to lead came to me and whispered into my ear, “Kyochul, we are not Koreans and this is not Korea!”. I realized, “We don’t have to be desperate now because of the blessings that we have from God.” But I questioned myself, "Really?" 

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, 
for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). 

Of course, there is neither Korean nor American in front of God... as we all deal with the reality of sin and death.

Not long ago, a message by Jim Cymbala woke me up.... when I was in deep sleep being saturated by the mannerism and human methodology in the ministry of 21st Century post modernism. 

So now how desperately are we praying? Or how joyfully are we giving thanks to God?

A message by Jim Cymbala for the worship leaders during their national music conference 

Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior 
by Fanny Crosby, 1868

Pass me not, O gentle Savior, hear my humble cry; 
while on others thou art calling, do not pass me by. 
Savior, Savior, hear my humble cry; 
while on others thous art calling, do not pass me by.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ik Zal Er Zijn

Why tears, dropped?
Why open arms, raised?
And why forever songs, lifted?

It is because of Your presence
and because of Your Eternal Name!

Your name is 'I am' and 'I will be there'

Why tears, dropped?
Why open arms, raised?
And why forever songs, lifted?

It is because of the Hope we saw
through Your faithfulness in Your name,

Your name is 'I am' and 'I will be there'


Why tears, dropped?
Why open arms, raised?
And why forever songs, lifted?

Because it is our call and it is our vocation
in Your Eternal Kingdom so that Your glory
continues to touch the earth!

Only words I have now..



by Hans Maat 

How wonderfully beautiful is your eternal Name. 
Hidden present you share my existence.
Where I am, you are: what a precious secret.
Your name is 'I am' and 'I will be there'.

An arch in the clouds as a sign of loyalty,
is above my life, says: I am with you!
In times of joy, but also of sadness,
am I safe with You, You who see me.

The future is certainly, yes, endlessly good. 
If I have to die once, when I meet you:
then you dry my tears, You even mention my name.
You stay with me Jesus, do not let me go.

'I am who I am' is your eternal name.
You share my existence unmentionably.
How breathtaking, moving close:
your name is 'I am', and 'I will be there'.

O Name of all names, to You all honor.
Nothing can ever separate me from Jesus my Lord:
No death and no life, no trouble or pain.

I will sing forever, be close to You.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

All Bells in Paradise...

May you continue to hear them ring.... 
Welcoming our Saviour born on earth, a heavenly King, 
Kneeling with the treasures of gold, incense and myrrh in humility,
and Singing "Glory to God on high" all throughout the year 2019!!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Where is baby Jesus? Still in a manger?

"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior, who  
has  looked with favor on me, a lowly servant. From this day all generations shall call me
blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me and holy is the name of the Lord
whose mercy is  on those who fear God from generation to generation."
(Luke 1:46-50, Mary's Song of Praise)

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Still the Magnificat, the Mary's song of praise, is echoing around my two ears as I enter into the new year 2019 and her strong response to the Angel Gabriel against her fear and doubt before she bore a baby as a virgin truly pushes me to step forward to this unknown region of our new year with boldness and in expectation and hope.

But now, how's your baby Jesus doing since you have celebrated his birth in your life last year? Sounds like it happened very long time ago. But believe it or not, it happens every year in December. We call it Christmas. And as you all know, it is to celebrate the birth of a baby Jesus. It means the last one just happened a couple of weeks ago as we now take the first step into the new year 2019. 

Maybe for some of us, it happens every day - even now - as we allow our living God to lead every moment of our life like Mary in the Christmas story according to the gospel of Luke, "So be it! I am ready according to your word!" 

"Behold, I am your handmaid. So be it; 
I am ready according to your word!(Luke 1:38)

So I assume that all of us are having a baby Jesus in our life with Mary already - or at least in our hearts - for this new year of our new beginning. I don't believe that the baby Jesus is missing in your life already as you finished all Christmas cookies or opened all the Christmas gifts around the Christmas trees or you already packed the baby Jesus for your next Christmas season with other ornaments because, as a church together, we birthed a baby Jesus in our life again to grow. But how did baby Jesus grow? 

Interestingly, the bible does not tell us much about Jesus' younger age except here after the story of his birth.

"There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom
and God's favor was on him!" (Luke 2:40)

Brothers and sisters in Christ, in 2019, we are going to grow with our baby Jesus in our life, strong and healthy, filled with wisdom in God's favor as we worship together, as we pray together, as we fellowship together, as we serve together, as we struggle together, as we overcome together and as we hold our hands together in Christ name. Let us make our first step together strong in January. 

Come and Join us!

Grace and Peace, 
Pastor Kyochul

P.S. Don't miss the special opportunity for renewal of our faith in January as we celebrate the baptism of Jesus. It will be our strong step for this new year for our new Kingdom Journey.