Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Lord, Hear Our Prayers! (The Week of January 27, 2020)

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and 
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

“The Lord Is My Shepherd" Crimond by Noon Song
Hi Family!!!
We almost make the first month of this year 2020!! It means we have eleven months to go!! And it means we have only a couple of months before spring! Hope all thing’s going well for you so far - Sorry for the delay though since I just get back to church this morning from my Sabbath. Now we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the name of the Lord as we deal with those challenges around us so that the world find the true freedom and power through our prayer journey with Christ!   

Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!

New Requests
All those who do not know Christ for their salvation
Our All People’s Gathering Sunday
Coronavirus under control
People in China and all those who are quarantined because of the coronavirus
Bible Reading Challenge Participants this Saturday morning


Christian Churches and leaders around the world, especially, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung in our conference and his spiritual leadership following the Holy Spirit in this challenging time so that they all can see the Will of God clearly as well as UMC’s direction in God’s will; Wisconsin Conference's Delegation to represent not just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom without losing hearts so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s lives.

“O God, empty us of angry judgments, and aching disappointments, and anxious trying, and breathe into us something like quietness and confidence, that the lion and the lamb in us may lie down together and be led by a trust as straightforward as a little child. Catch our pride and doubt off guard that, at least for the moment, we may sense your presence and your caring, and be surprised by a sudden joy rising in us now to sustain us in the coming then. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Lord, Hear Our Prayers! (The Week of January 20, 2020)

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and 
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

“The Lord Is My Shepherd” written by John Rutter, Atlanta Mater Chorale,  
Hi Family!!! 

Still, it is cold outside and snow covers our towns, houses and our churches. However, the spring is coming closer to us as the light is getting longer each day!! Now we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the name of the Lord and cry to God like the Psalm writer sang a new song after experiencing God’s transforming power so that we all can experience God’s miracle of salvation again!  

Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!
Gift of 19th great grandchild for Laura and her family

New Requests
All those who do not know Christ for their salvation
Sharon, Kenny and Karen for their health issues as well as recovering from surgery  
Pastor Kyochul for his two days continuing education trip to Iowa for Preaching Institute


Christian Churches and leaders around the world, especially, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung in our conference and his spiritual leadership following the Holy Spirit in this challenging time so that they all can see the Will of God clearly as well as UMC’s direction in God’s will; Wisconsin Conference's Delegation to represent not just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom without losing hearts so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s lives.

“Dear Lord, we waited patiently for You to help us, as we cry out to You. Turn to us and hear us and pay attention and act! Lift us out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. Set our feet on solid ground and steadied us as we walked along. Give us a new son to sing, a hymn of praise to You so that many will see what You have done and be amazed so that they will put their trust in You also! In the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Lord, Hear Our Prayers! (The Week of January 13, 2020)

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and 
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

“Bless You” by HY Jo, Cello

Hi Family!!! 

Finally, finally, finally, snow is here! However, the coldness of winter season has been losing its power since the day is getting longer like the reality of our sin has lost its power since we received the light of Christ Jesus our Lord! And as we celebrated our baptism with Jesus this week, we heard that we are the joy of the Lord. We will never forget what we heard from heaven. Now we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the name of the Lord and write a beautiful story of victory listening God’s words so that all the broken relationship might be healed through our prayer.   

Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!
Our baptism by water and spirit!
Carlton and Betty’s 70th Wedding Anniversary this week!

New Requests
All those who do not know Christ for their salvation
Susan, Arnold S’s daughter, and her family for God’s comfort
God’s guidance for the United Methodist Church
Brenda’s friend, Mike, dealing with cancer
Austin for strength and safety as he left home for basic training in serve
Cindy H for healing from surgery
Shannon and Ben for their safe traveling back home after vising families
God’s strength and guidance for our new servant leaders for 2020


Christian Churches and leaders around the world, especially, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung in our conference and his spiritual leadership following the Holy Spirit in this challenging time so that they all can see the Will of God clearly as well as UMC’s direction in God’s will; Wisconsin Conference's Delegation to represent not just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom without losing hearts so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s lives.

“Speak, Lord Jesus Christ, your people are listening now.”

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Lord, Hear Our Prayers! (The week of January 6, 2020)

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and 
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

“I’d Rather Have Jesus” by HJ Ann, flute

Hi Family!!! 
Happy & Blessed New Year! It is exiting to take first step of this year with wise men to worship the new born King! As we travel each and every day following the star that guides our way to worship, we will continue to grow holding more Christ’s heart of loving, forgiving and serving. It will be a great New Year!! Now we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the name of the Lord so that we can take a different road from before touched by the power of God. God’s name will be glorified!

Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!
New brighter lights for the Markesan UMC sanctuary

New Requests
All those who do not know Christ for their salvation
God’s guidance for the United Methodist Church
People in Australia affected by the wild fire
Baptismal Covenant Renewal Service this coming week
United Methodist Church’s Unity in Christ
Our unshakable focus on God’s mission


Christian Churches and leaders around the world, especially, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung in our conference and his spiritual leadership following the Holy Spirit in this challenging time so that they all can see the Will of God clearly as well as UMC’s direction in God’s will; Wisconsin Conference's Delegation to represent not just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom without losing hearts so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s lives.
“O Lord, teach us your ways, that we may be open to the same Spirit who moved over the face of the waters in the first day of creation and moves also over the chaos of this time to fashion a day like this; a world like ours; a life like ours; a kingdom like leaven in bread, like a treasure buried in the fields of the daily we plow; and make us aware of the miracles of life, of warm and cold, of starkness and order, of screaming wind and impenetrable silence, and of the unfathomable mystery of amazing grace in which we are kept. Hear us now, our prayers. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Light shines in the darkness!

Symphony No 9 “Choral” by Beethoven

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it”
(John 1:5, NLT)

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ,

Did you enjoy the time of simple gift from God in the season of Christmas last year? Seems like it happened long time ago. However, as I look at the calendar, I notice that it was only a week ago. Can you believe that it is already a New Year? By the way, “Happy New Year everyone!” 

Now, we have a brand new calendar in front of us saying, “2020”. It looks very clean and crisp. There is nothing written on it yet, but I am so excited to make my calendar colorful and messy as I fill it, each and every day, to show I am breathing actively and productive! 

But I am wondering how I fill those days in my brand new calendar with my schedule for visitations, bible studies, meetings, seminars, retreats and phone calls and etc. The messier it looks, the busier I will be. It is the sign of the liveliness of my life between super active or lazy! And the busier I will be, the more I will be proud of myself. Why? Because I can show others my accomplishment. But I question myself, “Is that what I want for the New Year?”

Now how about you brothers and sisters in Christ? How would you like to fill your days in 2020? And as a church together, how do we want to fill our days in 2020 following Christ Jesus as One?

Like last year, there are lots of challenges waiting for us all throughout the New Year 2020. Believe it or not, 2020 is already filled with multiple challenges. We call it human reality! However, God wants us to fill those days differently pushing out those challenges every day in 2020. Are those days already filled with fears? Are those days already filled with doubts? Are those days already filled with depression? And what else? Resentment, despair, greed, anger, lust, envy and indifference? You name it - It is called darkness.

We know these fillings are not going away eternally but are constantly bringing us pain and suffering each and every day unless we fill them with a different one, the light.

One day, a rich man came and asked Jesus to fill him with a different thing, with the eternal one. Jesus answered him, “go and sell all your possessions and give it to the poor... then, come and follow me!” When the young man heard this, he went away sad because he had so much to give up. Jesus said to his disciples, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” They responded, “No way Jesus! Then who in the world can be saved?” Jesus answered,

 “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible”
(Matthew 19:26, NLT) 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus clearly tells us, “With God, everything is possible!” Neither one thing nor some thing, but EVERYTHING is possible!” Why? Because with the light, darkness cannot survive at all - even any portion of it. And how can we receive the light? Just the simple action of opening our eyes! Then we will be able to see, “with God, everything is possible!” 

Join me again in this amazing journey of New Year 2020 to see how God pushes out the darkness in our days and fills them with the light through our simple action of deciding to open our eyes! 

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kyochul