Sunday, September 1, 2019

Between Something We Want To & Something We Have To

...You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul 
and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is 
like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments 
depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-39, ESV)

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ,

I feel like summer is almost gone as fall is coming. So, do you have any new plans for our new season, like planting a new cherry tree in your backyard or tulip bulbs in your flower garden for spring before the first frost? 

Maybe there are more, like harvesting plan, cleaning plan, fertilizing plan and reorganizing plan, something like that. Our life is truly a series of decision making each season as we plan new or old things. However, depending on today’s decision among many choices, the result might be very different later on. How come?

JY Ko, a 24 year old professional golfer who has won two LPGA major championship this year, shared her own struggle of focus. As she grabs her golf club before each swing, she always makes a decision between the two options, a safe shot that is likely to succeed over a more tempting risky shot, focusing only on that shot before she swings. In other words, her decision is based on necessity and efficiency rather than the desire. It lowers her score, which means better results in golf.

What do you think? It is quite insightful, isn’t it? However, in our normal life, most of us choose the things we like first as we put aside higher priorities. When we eat, we naturally choose our preferences for our sweet and savory cravings over a healthy, balanced meal. Even when we watch, listen, or say something, we choose what we like, and sometimes, we forget about what we have to do. 

"Way Maker" , Leeland

How about our spiritual life as we walk with God to be more holy and perfect as God is holy and perfect for the Kingdom eternal? Do we choose what we need to eat first, the bread of heaven? Do we choose what we have to listen first, the voice from heaven? Do we choose what we have to follow first, the lamp on our feet? Do we choose what we have to say first, the message of love? And do we choose what we have to buy first, the free gift of God’s salvation? Do we choose the Word of God instead of the things we like to eat, listen, watch, say and have by our own? If your answer is, “No, not really!” you are in the same boat with me. So now what is something that we have to do first?

One day an expert in religious law came to Jesus and asked what was the most important commandment in the law of Moses. In other words, what should we do first to grow continually in God’s way? Jesus’ answer was clear, “Love your God first and your neighbor as yourselves.” It was a short version of the Ten Commandments; the first four are about loving God, and the last six are about loving our neighbors.

So now, brothers and sisters in Christ, from now on, we want to choose something that “we have to” over something that “we want to” for our healthy physical, social, mental, financial, and spiritual life for our eternal journey to the Kingdom of God. 

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, regardless of our past decisions, we have a new choice today and tomorrow as a church together and as children of God! It begins with loving God first as we get back to normal routine of our life from this month of September. God reminds us something simple so that we can begin right away.

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” (Exodus 20:8, NIV)

So see you all on all the Sundays in September to be recharged by the power of our living God and love our neighbors as ourselves! The kingdom of God is not far from us!

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kyochul