Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Be Thankful in All Circumstances!


“Let everything that breathes sing praise to the Lord!” 

(Psalm 150:6, NLT)


Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


Now, we have only two months left for this year 2022, November and December. However, in the Christian Calendar, we are running toward the end of the year in this month of November. How come? It’s because the Christian new year begins with the preparation of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem through the Advent season right after Thanksgiving and it ends at Christ's return. It means, for us, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Christ the King Sunday, is the last week before the new beginning. 


Are we ready for that, the new beginning? However, before we ask that question, I want to ask this question first. “Are we ready to finish this year’s race well?” 


Some years ago, when I had Army training in my early twenties, we had to march for about 20 hours without sleeping with the full combat gear. There were lots of ups and downs during those hours, I mean uphills and downhills; however, the most hardest moment was the time when I saw the entrance of the basecamp from afar ahead of me. I remember that suddenly my two legs turned to be like a jellyfish as soon as I knew that I was almost there. I actually don’t remember how I finished that, especially for the last five minutes. I think I dragged my feet. And I finished it. Hallelujah!


Anyway, for the Christian soldiers who fought the good fight to bless the world, it is truly a waiting game because it was Jesus’ promise to come back and reign over us with his love and compassion, justice and peace. It has been over two thousand years so far after we heard from him like this.


“Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay 

all people according to their deeds” (Revelation 22:12, NLT).


We endured the hot summer sun of hardships, we overcame the fear of darkness and uncertainty, and we broke through the mountains of challenges, fixing our eyes on this promise holding the power through him in faith.


As I finish the last month of this year’s Christian race, the Apostle Paul who stood boldly in front of the Roman Emperor two thousand years ago came to my mind. He truly wanted to bless those with the blessings that he received from Jesus. Even in his last moment in the prison before being persecuted, he wrote about how he ran the race.


“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” 

(2 Timothy 4:7, NRSV). 


First of all, he fought the GOOD fight, then he FINISHED it! And last of all, he KEPT his faith! But how can we fight the good fight like Paul?; How can we finish this year’s race like Paul?; And how can we keep the faith like Paul? 


“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is

God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NLT). 


That was how he ran the race because he belonged to Jesus!


Brothers and sisters in Christ, we belong to Jesus and we will finish our race this year through giving thanks to God with grateful hearts like Paul so that God can make our faith alive in our new beginning!


So now, I’d like to invite you to come and join us in this month of November to finish the race well, in the season of thanksgiving. We will fight the good fight, finish the race and keep our faith for our new beginning! So now, Join us!


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kyochul

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