Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Do We Have Room for a Baby Jesus?

“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” The Piano Guys

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and 

laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7, KJV) 


Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


It has been almost ten months since we have been dealing with the unseen enemy named COVID 19. Since March, we were forced to learn to adjust our life style to fight with this enemy. So when we meet other people in public, we keep social distance; we wear masks; and we wash our hands to protect our loved ones from this enemy. However, this fight is not over yet.


Now as time goes, we realize that there are more unseen enemies. But what are they? They are the flood of information, busy-ness, and our pride which can lead us into the realm of mistrust, isolation, fear, hatred, anger, doubt, hopelessness, and a deep spiritual amnesia unless we hold the Truth.


Those unseen enemies want us to be their victim. However, God wants us to be a victor of this battle, so called a spiritual warfare.


Brothers and sisters in Christ, how do we deal with the flood of information and other unseen enemies as we take a first step in the new Christian year through Advent? We might ignore everything that comes to us with indifference; we might pick and choose what we like; we might be in confusion; we might be judgmental; or we might be asking God to guide us in His Way, His Truth, and His Life in humility.  


Two thousand years ago, Mary and Joseph had to walk 90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem to take a census. Mary was pregnant though. However, they were not able to find a room there when they arrived because the city was too full and too busy. The only place they found was a stable. 


If we were them, we might be really angry at those people who did not treat us generously and rejected us since we were in great need. However, it was not their choice because they held something bigger than that. It was God’s promise of the Christmas miracle! In the midst of all troubles, they were able to see something amazing. It was the birth of baby Jesus who will change the whole world. 


Even though the world was not able to find room for the promise of God, Mary and Joseph found room for Him in the midst of life crises. They were able to enjoy the blessings of God’s promise through the Son, Jesus Christ. They even heard angels singing for them.


Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased!

(Luke 2:14, NLT)


Brothers and sisters in Christ, can we find room for Jesus in this season even in the midst of our life challenges dealing with unseen enemies? Then, we will truly experience God’s blessings in this season. Join me!


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kyochul

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