to me and I will answer you and tell you great and
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)
"O Lord Hear My Prayer" from Taize
Hi Family!!!
I cannot believe the snow that covered our town last week
is all gone now and we have a beautiful sunshine out there. I know some of you
are mowing the lawn today. But what a wonderful day with clear blue sky! Truly
it is an autumn season! Hope every one of you keep warm in this season of
changing colors and changing temperature every morning and night as well. Now
we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the
name of the Lord and hear what Jesus said so that we can dance with Christ
coming out of the place of darkness like Lazarus did with a divine perspective.
Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!
Family Joining worship this week
Birthday celebration for Landon and God’s protection and
guidance as well.
Nina’s friend who finished his term in prison and begin
his new life this week
New Requests
To Start the Children & Youth Ministry in our church
Church wide Advent Bible Study Preparation this month
Christmas Musical Preparation each Saturday
Chili Supper and Back Sale this Thursday
Nancy’s great granddaughter’s healing from broken arm
Sandy P’s family for God’s comfort and traveling mercy to
celebrate her life
Dodie and Bob L. for their traveling to FL until next
Wisconsin Conference's new Delegation to represent not
just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to
see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of
Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for
God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that
we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power
of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom
without losing heart so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s
“O Lord, we have so few ways to pray,
but you have so many ways to answer. Keep us alert to your unpredictable
answers, to your un-explainable surprises, and by your grace, make us one of
those surprises, for the sake of the One who taught us the surprises of moving
mountains, healing touches, wondrous stories, great banquets, first suppers,
broken bread, crosses, and resurrections. We pray for all those in your holy
name, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
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