Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Perfect Gift of Love!

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, 
then he will sit upon this glorious throne... He will place the sheep 
at his right hand and the goats at his left.” (Matthew 25: 31-33)

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

How have we grown with Christ and what difference have we noticed in our life through Jesus last year?

Believe it or not, every year, we grow with him. Christian life begins as we prepare Christ’s birth in Bethlehem for our new life. After we celebrate his birth in Bethlehem, we grow with Jesus who was baptized in Jordan River as we remember our baptism. And we continually grow following him who healed the sick, fed the hungry and taught about the Kingdom of God through his words as well as through his whole life. 

Then we touch the deepest part of our unavoidable reality, sin and death, watching his suffering and death on the cross. However, later on, we also experience the power of resurrection through Jesus that moves us from the human reality to the divine reality which goes eternally. Then as Jesus was ascended into heaven, we grow continually following the guidance of the Holy Spirit as a church together waiting for Christ’s coming back to us as a King of the universe! 

So now we just celebrated the last season of Christian Calendar, “Christ the King Sunday!”, as a people of God’s Kingdom. And a question comes, “what if Jesus come in real today and sit on the throne as our King, and ask, ‘What have you done with the gifts that I have given you?’”. Another words, “How have you been changed as you follow and live in my words?” Another words, “How much have you given up yourself for me - your will, your desire, your joy on earth - and filled your life with My way, My truth and My life?”

I think I cannot say boldly to him right now, “Absolutely, Jesus, my Lord!”, because there are still lots of things that I want to have from this world and lots of places where I want to travel. And I can name it more. No wonder why my heart was pumping faster when I received the email invitation for “Black Friday Big Deals”.  

And now I am wondering which side I might be placed after I am revealed by God’s righteousness. With sheep or goats? Who can claim that “I am righteous”? No one! It is really bad news! However, hear the Good News! God blesses us with a new beginning with Christ’s birth in Bethlehem! Our new year begins with Christ again through this season of Advent! And we want to prepare this well now. How?  

“As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord,
let us always remember why He came.
And as we present our gifts to our friends and all our loved ones,
let us offer Him the holy gift of praise.
Allelu, alleluia... Praise the Lord!!”

As we offer Him our praise, let us sacrifice our lives
so that all the world may know of His love.
For His birth at Bethlehem was a gift from God to man,
thank you Father for your perfect gift of love.
Allelu, alleluia... Praise the Lord!”
 (Christmas Praise, by Jim Murray)
Brothers and sisters in Christ, how do you feel as you prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in this season of Advent? I feel like I am standing in a big stratum to begin another new game after I messed up the previous game because of my strong human will! Don’t you feel the same?

So now, I want to invite all of you to this new journey with Christ for another big game. Join me with an anticipation of new!

In Christian Love,
Pastor Kyochul

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