Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Lord, Hear Our Prayers! (The Week of February 24, 2020)

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and 
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

“My Life Is in Your Hands” ” Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir 
Hi Family!!! 

Journey to the springtime does not move fast. It seems like there is no shortcut to the season of spring. Until the right time that God has made, we need to take one day at a time whether it is shiny day or snowy day or very cold day. Now we can feel the new season coming very closer to us each day since the length of day is getting longer. And still we have something to do every day in our journey to the Kingdom of God eternal. Now we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the name of the Lord as we let God purify us and perfect us with His amazing Grace so that God’s will be done on earth as in heaven this week!

Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!
Receiving a new Member, Izzy E. last Sunday

New Requests
Our Lenten Experience each week from this Wednesday
Preparation for New Discipleship Group from April
All those who are traveling out of state
All those who are in transition, including Margaret and Ted, for God’s strength and guidance
All those who are making a big step to keep charity, unity and purity for their marriage relationship


Christian Churches and leaders around the world, especially, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung in our conference and his spiritual leadership following the Holy Spirit in this challenging time so that they all can see the Will of God clearly as well as UMC’s direction in God’s will; Preparation of our Conference's Delegation to represent not just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom without losing hearts so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s lives.

“O God, release us from being possessed by riches we do not need and grievance that weary us when you call us to share our very selves with neighbors and to reflect for the world the light of the kingdom within us, the kingdom that you unite and purify us with your Charity. We pray this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Lord, Hear Our Prayers! (The Week of February 17, 2020)

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and 
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

“10,000 Reasons” 
Hi Family!!! 

Another snowy days! And many things are delayed a few hours this morning. However it is so shiny outside with a beautiful Sunlight and a clear winter sky! And this coldness does not bother us anymore because spring is getting closer every day! Now we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the name of the Lord as we unite with Christ Jesus in one mind, one heart and one faith so that we all experience the same power that takes us into the Kingdom of God, eternal.   

Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!

New Requests
All those who are recovering from fall on ice
Tom Z.’s recovery from his eye surgery 
Clark B’s recovery from his shoulder surgery
North Terrace community of believers and worship
Pastor Laverne L. recovering from Pancreatitis 


Christian Churches and leaders around the world, especially, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung in our conference and his spiritual leadership following the Holy Spirit in this challenging time so that they all can see the Will of God clearly as well as UMC’s direction in God’s will; Preparation of our Conference's Delegation to represent not just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom without losing hearts so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s lives.

“O God, let something essential happen to us, something awesome, something real. Speak to our condition, Lord, and change us somewhere inside where it matters, a change that will burn and tremble and heal and explode us into tears or laughter or love that throbs or screams or keeps a terrible, cleansing silence and dares the dangerous deeds. Let something happen in us so that your will be done on earth as in heaven through us. We pray this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Lord, Hear Our Prayers! (The Week of February 10, 2020)

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and 
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

Hi Family!!! 
Are we all survived with the blessings of snow last weekend? God is truly able to make everything new and beautiful in each season! However, it slowed us down little bit. Hope you had a good restful weekend even though we missed each other’s presence on Sunday. Now we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the name of the Lord as we practice Charity love that Christ showed us, his bride, the church, together. 

Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!
Beautiful and blessed world covered by God’s loving kindness like snow

New Requests
All those who do not know Christ for their salvation
All those who are dealing with relationship issues in their life
All those who are longing for the light in darkness in prison
Safe traveling to FL for Jason
Healing for Juan’s foot
Easter Cantata preparation


Christian Churches and leaders around the world, especially, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung in our conference and his spiritual leadership following the Holy Spirit in this challenging time so that they all can see the Will of God clearly as well as UMC’s direction in God’s will; Preparation of our Conference's Delegation to represent not just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom without losing hearts so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s lives.

“Come, Lord Jesus, startle us with your presence, life-sustaining as air, to open our heart to praise you, to open our minds to attend you, to open our spirit to worship you, to open us to live our lives as authentically and boldly as you lived yours. Come, Lord Jesus, be with us in our longing; come, stay with us in our needing; come, go with us in our doing; come, struggle with us in our searching; come, rejoice with us in our loving. We pray this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Monday, February 3, 2020

Lord, Hear Our Prayer! (The Week of February 3, 2020)

“Someone Is Praying for You”, written by Lanny Wolfe

Have the clouds 'round you
Gathered in the midst of a storm
Is your ship tossed and battered
Are you weary and worn
Don't lose hope, someone's praying
For you this very day
And peace be still is already on the way

Someone is praying for you
someone is praying for you

So when it seems you're all alone, and your heart would break in two
remember someone is praying for you

When it seems that you prayed 'til your strength is all gone,
and your tears fall like raindrops all the day long
Jesus cares and He knows just how much you can bear
He'll speak your name to someone in prayer

Someone is praying for you
someone is praying for you

So when it seems you're all alone, and your heart would break in two
remember someone is praying for you.

“Someone Is Praying for You”, Heartstrings Cello Duet

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and 
unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)
Hi Family!!! 

I felt like it is spring already! I heard the sound of water dropping from the roof… melting snow and ice above… and also beautiful clear sky! Thanks be to God! I hope you all enjoy this freshness of those days in this season since our new season is approaching quickly! Now we have our prayer list updated for this week. Let us continue to call upon the name of the Lord as we stay in God’s waiting room. Christ Jesus is making us like him as we listen, cry out and wait together. 

Hallelujah moment!
God’s presence in every moment of our life!
Forgiving Power that we learn from Jesus Christ!
God’s call to share the good news to our neighbors
Finishing reading the gospel of Luke with our Youth

New Requests
All those who do not know Christ for their salvation
Our All People’s Gathering this coming Sunday
Teresa dealing with a brain tumor
Family of Herbert L. for God’s comfort
Arlene’s family for God comfort
Rosy for Knee surgery this week
Evelyn for hip problems dealing with pain
Rev. Dan Dick, our assistant bishop, for hip replacement surgery and his recovery


Christian Churches and leaders around the world, especially, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung in our conference and his spiritual leadership following the Holy Spirit in this challenging time so that they all can see the Will of God clearly as well as UMC’s direction in God’s will; Preparation of our Conference's Delegation to represent not just Wisconsin Conference but God’s will in the future as they become able to see what God's will is for Christ’s Church; Our United Methodist Community of Faith - for God’s healing, healing for our wounded-ness and brokenness and for God’s guiding light in our every steps to follow only the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss this divine opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the power of Jesus Christ to be One with God and each other for God’s eternal Kingdom without losing hearts so that we are able to see Christ’s love from each other’s lives.

“Come, Lord Jesus, touch us with love, life giving as light, to quiet our anger a little and gentle our desperation, to soften our fears some and soothe the knots of our cynicism, to wipe away the tears from our eyes and ease the pains in our body and soul, to reconcile us to ourselves and then to the people around us, and then nation to nation, that none shall learn war any more, but turn to feed the hungry, house the homeless and care compassionately from the least of our brothers and sisters. Reshape us in your wholeness to be a healing people. We pray this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

A Golden Rule...

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord 
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and 
with all your strength. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:29-31)

“I Never Lost My Praise” Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

It is so cold but beautiful outside covered by the white Wisconsin snow! It did not snow much last year even when we celebrated our Christmas because we had a brown Christmas. However, it did not disappoint us because it came down from heaven in January. As God is faithful, this Wisconsin snow is faithful to us. It means we had to plow and shovel it from early in the morning. We know it will be here until our spring comes. Oh! Did I say, spring? 

Spring! Spring! Spring! Seems like our next season will be spring time of blooming flowers, all colorful and green stuff with much warmer air!!! Can you imagine that? Of course! However, God gives us today as a present so we are thankfully and joyfully enjoying this season of winter now!

Is that true to you all? I hope so!! But if not, please let me know... we need to talk and pray.

Anyway, we took our first big step for the New Year 2020 to somewhere beyond the spring, far beyond, as we recommitted ourselves through the baptismal renewal service and reminded ourselves that we are the house of prayer. Then we will joyfully make another eleven steps one by one all through this year freely and thankfully. Are we now ready to take our second step?

However, as we take each steps, there is a Golden Rule that we always need to keep in our hearts. Here it comes from the long history of our faith from the Old Testament time.

One day, a poor Rabbi Hillel shared a story about the Golden Rule several centuries before Jesus was born. A pagan came to Shammai - Hillel's rich Rabbi friend, and asked him, "Rabbi, make me a proselyte, but on condition that you teach me the entire Torah while I am standing on one foot!" Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! Why? Because we know the Torah is the Law of Moses - the first five books in the Old Testament, not very short though. 

Now guess what? What did Shammai do? He drove him off with a builder's measuring rod which he had in his hand. So this naughty pagan man appeared before Hillel and asked him a same question. Now, if someone comes to you with the same question, what can you do? Are you ready for that?

But this is what Rabbi Hillel said. "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Go and learn it!" (Talmud, Shabbat 31a)     

I don't know what this naughty pagan man did after he heard it though, today, Jesus reminds us of the Golden Rule as he talked with the scribes in the New Testament revisiting the Torah, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength... and love your neighbor as yourself. If you do, you are not far from the kingdom of God." (Mark 12:30, 31& 34)

If we do this, we are not far from the kingdom of God! Why? Because it is the restoration of relationship between heaven and earth that has been broken in the Garden of Eden by the sinfulness of creatures. However, Jesus came to us to restore this relationship. That Jesus is growing in us!

Brothers and sisters in Christ, is this what we are looking for, the kingdom of God, where our relationship with God and our neighbors is fully healed and restored? In February, we will be revisiting the human marriage, the second step of God’s valentine, for the divine relationship based on the love of God through Jesus Christ. Don’t miss that!

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kyochul